Evaluation Metrics¶
Cumulative Matching Characteristics (CMC) curves are the most popular evaluation metrics for person re-identification methods. Consider a simple single-gallery-shot setting, where each gallery identity has only one instance. For each query, an algorithm will rank all the gallery samples according to their distances to the query from small to large, and the CMC top-k accuracy is
which is a shifted step function. The final CMC curve is computed by averaging the shifted step functions over all the queries.
While the single-gallery-shot CMC is well defined, it does not have a common agreement when it comes to the multi-gallery-shot setting, where each gallery identity could have multiple instances. For example, CUHK03 and Market-1501 calculated the CMC curves and CMC top-k accuracy quite differently. To be specific,
- CUHK03: Query and gallery sets are from different camera views. For each query, they randomly sample one instance for each gallery identity, and compute a CMC curve in the single-gallery-shot setting. The random sampling is repeated for \(N\) times and the expected CMC curve is reported.
- Market-1501: Query and gallery sets could have same camera views, but for each individual query identity, his/her gallery samples from the same camera are excluded. They do not randomly sample only one instance for each gallery identity. This means the query will always match the “easiest” positive sample in the gallery while does not care other harder positive samples when computing CMC.