from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
from import Dataset
from ..utils.osutils import mkdir_if_missing
from ..utils.serialization import write_json
[docs]class CUHK03(Dataset):
url = ''
md5 = '728939e58ad9f0ff53e521857dd8fb43'
def __init__(self, root, split_id=0, num_val=100, download=True):
super(CUHK03, self).__init__(root, split_id=split_id)
if download:
if not self._check_integrity():
raise RuntimeError("Dataset not found or corrupted. " +
"You can use download=True to download it.")
def download(self):
if self._check_integrity():
print("Files already downloaded and verified")
import h5py
import hashlib
from scipy.misc import imsave
from zipfile import ZipFile
raw_dir = osp.join(self.root, 'raw')
# Download the raw zip file
fpath = osp.join(raw_dir, '')
if osp.isfile(fpath) and \
hashlib.md5(open(fpath, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() == self.md5:
print("Using downloaded file: " + fpath)
raise RuntimeError("Please download the dataset manually from {} "
"to {}".format(self.url, fpath))
# Extract the file
exdir = osp.join(raw_dir, 'cuhk03_release')
if not osp.isdir(exdir):
print("Extracting zip file")
with ZipFile(fpath) as z:
# Format
images_dir = osp.join(self.root, 'images')
matdata = h5py.File(osp.join(exdir, 'cuhk-03.mat'), 'r')
def deref(ref):
return matdata[ref][:].T
def dump_(refs, pid, cam, fnames):
for ref in refs:
img = deref(ref)
if img.size == 0 or img.ndim < 2: break
fname = '{:08d}_{:02d}_{:04d}.jpg'.format(pid, cam, len(fnames))
imsave(osp.join(images_dir, fname), img)
identities = []
for labeled, detected in zip(
matdata['labeled'][0], matdata['detected'][0]):
labeled, detected = deref(labeled), deref(detected)
assert labeled.shape == detected.shape
for i in range(labeled.shape[0]):
pid = len(identities)
images = [[], []]
dump_(labeled[i, :5], pid, 0, images[0])
dump_(detected[i, :5], pid, 0, images[0])
dump_(labeled[i, 5:], pid, 1, images[1])
dump_(detected[i, 5:], pid, 1, images[1])
# Save meta information into a json file
meta = {'name': 'cuhk03', 'shot': 'multiple', 'num_cameras': 2,
'identities': identities}
write_json(meta, osp.join(self.root, 'meta.json'))
# Save training and test splits
splits = []
view_counts = [deref(ref).shape[0] for ref in matdata['labeled'][0]]
vid_offsets = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(view_counts)]
for ref in matdata['testsets'][0]:
test_info = deref(ref).astype(np.int32)
test_pids = sorted(
[int(vid_offsets[i-1] + j - 1) for i, j in test_info])
trainval_pids = list(set(range(vid_offsets[-1])) - set(test_pids))
split = {'trainval': trainval_pids,
'query': test_pids,
'gallery': test_pids}
write_json(splits, osp.join(self.root, 'splits.json'))